International: Latest medical research shows increase in Brain activity during Pryer or spiritual meditations.

According to Shabestan news report, new medical research which
“Ramshandran”, American researcher with a group of professionals, has carried out, shows the Human body faces changes during the Prayer or spiritual meditation and interaction, so that the activity of brain enhances during prayers.
This research emphasizes that in addition to increase in skin resistance and decrease in blood thickness, average breathing and oxygen consumption inside the human body decreases 20 to 30% during prayer offering.
Based on these research brain scans images at times of prayer and on other instances varies surprisingly.
Brain during prayer, make its impact on other organs like muscles, eyes, joints and body system balance as well, the report explains.
American newspapers including the "Washington Post" and "Christian Science Monitor" also reflect the results of this research, and described the major efforts of scientists to break the barrier between human and secrets of brain as quite important and stressed on the importance of the relationship between science and religion.